Sakura Business Solutions - Virtual Finance Director

Get a Virtual Finance Director



Typical Finance Director roles for an SME require an annual salary of anything from £70,000 to £150,000, along with search recruitment fees e.g. circa 25% of the starting salary.

With a part time or Virtual Finance Director, this can offer the support and advice required for the business, but in a more cost effective and less risky way.


What are some of the potential benefits of a Finance Director for your business?

Cash Flow

Do you suffer from lack of cash or reliability of cash receipts at certain times of the month or throughout the month?

Are the amounts due from your customers regulary too high and are delayed payments or bad debts all too common?

Business Budgets & Targets

Do you have a clear set of targets for the business for the next month and next year?

Is there a clear plan for the continued growth of the business?

Profit Analysis & Improvement

Do you understand your sales margins, know where your business opportunities are for additional billings, your most profitable clients or projects?

Are you actively working to improve your margins, control your business costs and take opportunities etc?

Blogs – Virtual Finance Director


Do you need a finance director for your business?

When a business gets to a certain size and complexity, the role of an experienced finance director is critical in ensuring the financial sustainability future growth of that business.

Thinking about ‘exiting’ or selling your business?

Thinking about ‘exiting’ or selling your business?

For Entrepreneurs and SME business owners more generally, a lot of hard work goes into creating a successful business over a long period of time.


Download Our Guide

Is your business at the point where you are considering hiring a full time Finance Director?

Are you comfortable with the challenges and the risks of making this full time addition to your existing team?

Are you clear?
Are you clear what candidate your business requires and what technical skills and experience they need to have to be a successful addition to your team?

Is the business able to afford?
Is the business able to afford the costs of bringing in such a senior role e.g. annual salary, recruitment fees, with uncertain immediate outcomes?

Can you afford the time now?
Can you afford the time now to spend months researching and/or obtaining advice on filling your role?


How could Sakura’s (Virtual or Part time) Finance Director service work better for your business

Identify your Finance related challenges

Identify your Finance related challenges

Identify potential solutions

Identify potential solutions

Agree on a list ACTIONS and implement solutions

Agree on a list ACTIONS and implement solutions

Book a meeting